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Synopsis of FM BOOSTER circuit project for electronics engineering.This app is designed for electronics engineering student to help design & develop f

21.45 MB
JustKlap 1.0.10

JustKlap is a social networking app, developed by Mr. Karim Jaria through his company M/s. Jak Maze Pvt Ltd., based out of Mumbai, MH (India). JustKla

14.21 MB

aplikasi AndWobble Mod APK ini adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membuat sobat mengedit foto atau gambar memiliki efek 3D

17.29 MB

Psicologia social é um ramo da psicologia que estuda como as pessoas pensam, influenciam e se relacionam umas com as outras. Surgiu no século XX como

3.05 MB

FREE ADMINISTRATION COURSE Would you like to have the best APP of Course of Administration? ... this APP is for you! Course of business administration

7.67 MB

Já falaram que a sua letra é igual a de um médico? As crianças do ensino primário têm a letra mais bonita que a sua? Uma caligrafia ruim pode ser cons

3.15 MB

A free recipe book that brings you a free selection of Asian recipes, European recipes, Italian recipes, African recipes, Oceanian recipes The America

3.25 MB

This fat fast tips to help you who are bored or feel too thin. Underweight people certainly understand why many people are looking for quick tips fat.

1.95 MB

Karena Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung yang dominan terdiri dari wilayah lautan, maka ciri khas utama makanan masyarakatnya berhubungan dengan hasi

1.44 MB

Günümüz de ki en çok kullanılan wifi modüllerinden biri olan esp8266 için yazılmış andorid uyglamasıdır.Dikkat etmeniz gereken butonların yolladığı de

1.48 MB

This app controls the GPIO of ESP8266 using web services running on ESP8266 wifi chip. If you want to learn how to create this app, you can download t

1.5 MB

Hate junk food? Want to eat low calories food only? Download Low Calories Recipes App. With our New Low Calories Recipes app you can find various cook

2.34 MB

أفضل تطبيق شيلات 2017 بدون نت ويعمل في الخلفية مع تحديث يوميا للشيلات الجديدة * مميزات التطبيق : - يعمل بدون انترنت - يعمل في الخلفية - قائمة لكل منشد

32.81 MB

المصحف الشريف كامل صوت بدون نت التلاوة العطرة للقران الكريم بصوت سعد الغامدي بالنسبة للذين يبحتون على التطبيق فيمكنهم ايجاده باستعمال ما يلي : المصحف

71.72 MB

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله نقدم لكم اليوم تطبيق جديد على شكل دبكات و شيلات هجولة للجوال حماسية بدون انترنت يوفر مقاطع دبكات هجولة حماسية منوعة: اغاني حم

35.44 MB

Aptitude is one of the best and most trending Test Preparation App currently.We provide latest content for all the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL,

2.27 MB

This app contains 5000+ General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions in Tamil Language with 22 Different Categories. Very important for TNPSC exam. Ess

3.06 MB

TNPSC Goup GK Tamil (Railway Recruitment Board) is one of the best Test Preparation App till date.We provide latest content for TNPSC Goup GK Tamil ex

11.86 MB

Temukan 250+ aneka Resep Bumbu Ayam Bakar, cara membuat ayam bakar enak, bumbu pedas manis, cara membuat bumbu ayam bakar spesial, dan aneka olahan ay

2.72 MB

Tamil Nadu General Knowledge

3.87 MB