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Ayurved 1.2

Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health designed to help people live long, healthy, and well-balanced lives. Application provides various herbs with

7.34 MB

Shri Maulivishwa Ayurveda Research Center is dedicated to research in Ayurveda for women’s health. Advance research of treatment for PCOS (Polycystic

20.02 MB

Ayurvadaupchar is all about curing your body and soul thorugh natural products from within your home and kitchen. Upchaar in Sanskrit means Treatment.

2.02 MB

Ayurvedic Gharelu Upchar is great collection of powerful known remedies for any types of diseases. Aayurveda become a important role in our day to day

3.82 MB

In Ayurveda, the biological constitution or the genetic make up of an individual, which remains constant throughout one's life is called Prakruthi. Th

5.69 MB

आपका बढता वजन यु हि कम नही होगा। सहि चीजे करने से और आदतो को बदलने से ही आपका वजन कम होगा। पेट पतला करे पेट काम करने के वजन घटने के तरीके अगर आप जानना

2.9 MB

To avoid migraines, acidity, Measures to reduce uric acid, high blood pressure, headache, Chickenpox, Sunburn, to avoid Lu, Treatment of cataract, mea

1.72 MB

Food is a requirement as old as time. It is the reason why evolution took place and why there are so many living beings in the world today that are cl

2.54 MB

Quest'App ha lo scopo di illustrare le diverse patologie e interventi a carico della ghiandola tiroide, grazie all'impiego di un modello 3D esplorabil

21.98 MB

This application contains information for various common Ailments, their causes and natural cure or home remedies. It contains a collection of over 30

2.49 MB

हाथ पड़ना सीखें - Palm Read जानिए हाथ के राज मंत्रो से सुधारें हाथ की लकीरें

3.78 MB
DesiVaid 1.1

Today we all are Busy with Daily Schedule and so the we don't care about health and food. This is antibiotic tread for fast relief and fast actio for

2.89 MB

Life is beautiful and good health is a blessing. Ayurveda is the science of life. MANSA Ayurveda is the best of ayurvedic knowledge. REAL PURE AUTHENT

1.94 MB

With the help of a professional instructor and video demonstrated poses this app is going to be your best yoga allied no matter where you are working

21.77 MB

Aplikasi Surveilans dan Pemantauan Status Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia melalui peran aktif masyarakat maupun komunitas. Dikembangkan oleh Direktorat Gizi

4 MB

Memberi anda panduan tentang nilai kalori dalam makanan... Semoga memberi manfaat dalam menjaga kesihatan seharian anda... Jagalah kesihatan dan cuba

6.38 MB
Pedometer 4.0.5

While walking, running, jogging or even hiking as a part of your fitness and diet program pedometer helps you to achieve your fitness goals by featuri

2.87 MB
Suem 1.0

폐활량 테스트 글씨 버튼과 간단한 입력 후, 가능한 세게 불으세요. 조용한 곳에서 해야 제대로 측정됩니다. [키워드] 건강 폐활량 테스트 폐활량 측정 측정

1.68 MB

Vital Signs Survey is matching with MEDXING’s Oximeter, Sphygmomanometer, Thermometer, Glucometer, ECG monitor etc., can measure SpO2, Pulse rate, Blo

1.45 MB
Check Trace 1.1.1

This APP is not available in Europe area. The Check Trace is functioned as a duplicated display of the device screen, to provide an optional way for a

3.71 MB