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Ustadz Firanda Andirja Abidin, Lc., MA. (lahir di Surabaya, 28 Oktober 1979; umur 36 tahun), yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Firanda Andirja dengan ber

7.93 MB

Ustad Buya Yahya adalah salah satu ulama yang terkenal di Indonesia. Beliau telah berdakwah melalui berbagai media. Di media cetak Buya Yahya juga iku

11.48 MB

Kitab ini adalah kitab terjemahan Ilmu Faraid yang dirangkai oleh KH. A. Djauhari Aris Bangkalan. kitab ini berisi ilmu faraid yang lengkap dan sistem

4.29 MB

Find out everything from growing your own plants, fruit and veg to winter pruning.Find it here with garden plans, expert tips, outdoor furnishings fin

52.38 KB

Basically, developing plants without using a traditional dust medium and using a nutrient rich water solution. the ones mediums variety from fiberglas

6.32 MB

Sebagai umat muslim di Indonesia tentunya kita sudah tak asing lagi dengan KH.Zainuddin MZ (Almarhum), yaitu salah seorang ulama dan pendakwah yang sa

3.61 MB

In hydroponic gardens, soil is not a necessity. In fact, it is an anomaly since the plants derive their nutrients from an enriched water source. Aroun

8.1 MB

Do you appreciate the delicious difference fresh, aromatic herbs can make to your cooking? Then you may want to grow your own kitchen herb garden. Gro

6.26 MB

Raised garden beds have many reasons for being built. It is an obvious convenience. Many people have difficulty in bending and this is the main reason

9.2 MB

Container Gardening and Garden planters are a warm and inviting way to add interest to your outdoor decorating spaces. You can spruce up your outdoor

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In general when you are landscaping a front yard you will have to use different principles and plant selection than you would in the backyard. This is

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If you are looking for a landscape designer or garden designer, you should select from experienced designers so that you could expand your horizons. A

9.99 MB

Growmigo is a unique platform used by home gardeners around the world to get quick, simple and accurate plant growing instructions for the exact locat

5.45 MB

Read "The Gardener" by Rabindranath Tagore! Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-click without connecting network. You can also check your

1.82 MB
NFC OUcare

At OUcare, we care ALL YOU CARE! NFC OUcareTM is an intelligent and powerful application software which works on Android based mobile devices helping

10.32 MB
AYA-Trauma 1.1.0

Trauma Matters is an application designed to provide support and help to people undergoing a traumatic life event. The app is comprehensive informatio

38.29 MB

We sincerely welcome in a short column applications. Popular Islamic Lecture Application Options from: Ustadz Subhan Bawazier. Ustadz Abdul Hakim Bin

3.37 MB

Organic gardening pertains to growing of vegetables, fruits, seeds, grains and nuts the natural way. This means that there are strictly no fungicides,

5.81 MB
Flower beds 7.1.2

The appendix contains a description of the flower beds.

9.19 MB

Hydroponics is an application that will make you know more techniques used today sepert hydroponic system (hydroponic substrate, NFT, Floating Roots,

9.69 MB