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Extended version of instructions: Ground-penetrating radar

2.92 MB

This program allows to calculate the IRI with vibration sensors and GPS Android. Make graphs and reports and allows calibration Remember that the calc

1.63 MB

Cálculo aproximado de la eficiencia energética en una planta de depuración de aguas residuales urbanas. Con pocos datos tendremos una idea de la catal

1.03 MB
Area geo.2

WHITHOUT ADS !!! The idea is to have a system for calculating areas (areas) of a plot when only a mobile phone with GPS is available. The calculation

1.83 MB

تعرفى على أجدد وأطيب الوصفات لعمل الحلويات من خلال هذا التطبيق الرائع : حلويات سهلة ، حلويات سريعة ، حلى بسكويت ، حلى فتافيت ، وصفات سهلة بالصور ، حلى

4.24 MB

Short Idea Note is the most modern personal database which combines convenience and simplicity. You need not worry about the layout of items for a lon

21.85 MB

The Simplest, most organized Bookmarking App and Web Site Possible ("Better than Google Bookmarks!") Simply click on Browser URL and Share it to inser

445.99 KB

Efetua a consulta de veículo no site do Detran/PE em tempo real. É necessário informar a Placa do veículo a ser consultado. Caso o site do Detran/PE e

3.13 MB
Placas PB 1.0.0

UNOFFICIAL APPLICATION. ATTENTION: This application only supports license plates registered in Paraíba. ATTENTION: Information about vehicles as well

3.94 MB

Aplicativo que, a partir da seleção de um serviço da Policia Militar do Estado de São Paulo (Policiamento, Bombeiro, Rodoviária e Ambiental), fornece

5.48 MB

Consulte a placa de qualquer veículo nacional (carro, moto, caminhão, ônibus, etc). Veja a situação do veículo apenas digitando a placa. ATENÇÃO: Caso

3.32 MB

Consulta de la tasa vehicular impuesta por la DEI (Direccion Ejecutiva de Ingresos) en Honduras.

1.66 MB

Aplicación que permite consultar en linea tramites de Colombia asociados a tu cédula de ciudadanía. Consulta el Sisben, Fosyga, RUNT, DIAN, Lugar de v

1.94 MB

Esta versión incluye el utilitario "Calcular Mano de Obra, Materiales y Equipo", el cual te proporciona las cantidades para un análisis de precios uni

2.3 MB

The ideal application for you to check the status of suspicious vehicles, abandoned etc. Remember that if the vehicle is in an irregular situation you

2.4 MB

主要描寫孫悟空、豬八戒、沙和尚三人保護唐僧西行取經,唐僧從投胎到取經受了九九八十一難,一路降妖伏魔,九九歸一,終於到達西天見到如來佛祖,最終五聖成真。自《西遊記》問世以來在民間廣為流傳,被尊為中國古典四大名著之一。 吳承恩(一五零一年至一五八二年),字汝忠,號射陽山人,淮安府山陽縣(今江蘇省淮安市淮

15.57 MB

New application for viewing CCTV recorders Pegaso, PB SAFETY Live view and / or recordings of their facilities. Control of remote images in case of al

10.71 MB

We provide our customers with the App Neoenergia Pernambuco. A service channel in the palm of your hand, more agile, faster and closer. The applicatio

9.47 MB

My Bookmarks is your simple app to save and organize your Favorites, Bookmarks, Games and Applications.

2.14 MB

Only employees of the DB Group can activate this app with a voucher code. With the app you get to know the DB's railway signals and can read the conte

40.26 MB