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Aviation / weather app for decoding a Metar / TAF snowtam. Features: - Decoding of a snowtam in Metar / TAF for

1.49 MB

Music Player - Audio Player which combines the built-in sound effect to your musical experience!Its powerful equalizer, can fulfill all your musical n

14.07 MB

Easy to use android mileage tracker app and vehicle trackign system for self-employed and businesses. More than 300 000 downloads on Android, iOS and

15.04 MB

This app is the perfect way to keep a diary and read it back in a number of different ways at the click of a button. You can share this information wi

6.32 MB

운전자 차량관리 필수앱, 마카롱!차량 관리 귀찮고 막막하셨죠? 마카롱앱 하나면 내 차 관리가 간편해집니다. 마카롱의 모든 기능은 무료입니다.#마카롱의 간편한 기능들#◼ 마카롱 리포트: 나는 차량관리를 잘하고 있을까?매월 발송되는 마카롱 월별 리포트로 간편하게 체크해 보

29.19 MB

Want to try our new, cutting edge Mobile Ordering for getting your favorite Swig order even faster/easier than a normal Drive-through? Or want to trac

33.6 MB

"Hipokla x Mynavi" is a to access Japan's largest mutual aid network for clinical medical care. We are expanding our functions every day with the aim

4.38 MB
Faire 22.47.0

With the Faire mobile app, retailers are invited to shop wholesale whenever, wherever. Use the app to easily shop the Faire marketplace on the go, vie

31.66 MB
YaDoc 1.50.0

疾患管理システムYaDoc(ヤードック)を利用する、患者さん用のアプリです。 かかりつけの医師から、YaDocを利用した診察開始を指導された方は、このアプリをダウンロードしてください。 ※YaDocは、医師の指導のもとご利用いただくアプリです 【主な機能】 ・疾患管理 血圧など、日々の健康状態を記録

151.52 MB

Are you looking for an Office Document Reader that can open all Office documents without a computer? Office Reader - Document Read will help you do th

21.32 MB

1. New UI Design, 2. Bookmarks added 3. Added Code of the day 4. Added Learn now 5. Added Blog section 6. No internet issue solved 7. Removed annoying

10.43 MB

東大,京大,一橋,東工大,慶應,早稲田,旧帝大の学生の大半が利用する就活アプリ。それが「外資就活ドットコム」です。 総合商社/コンサル/投資銀行/外資IT/電通博報堂/消費財メーカー/デベロッパー/キー局/メガベンチャーなどの「最難関企業」の内定者の殆どが毎年利用しています。 外資就活ドットコムは「

8.8 MB
Hyperice 2.2.7

Transform the way you move and do more of what you love with the Hyperice App. Powered by HyperSmart™, the Hyperice App helps you get the most out of

29.47 MB

Learn 3500 Polish nouns, adjectives and verbs to enrich your vocabulary. Memorize most common Polish words. Listen pronunciation of the words. Learn w

61.03 MB

PRE -SCHOOL LEARNING FOR KIDS FEATURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Apps contains 10 differen

13.29 MB
A Counter 6.5.3gms

Features and functionality: - Friendly interface. - Button on the screen to increment the counter. - Use the volume control. - Counter list with searc

7.34 MB

Exciting new features with the latest version of the Rumbo app! Manage your trip from the comfort of your palm. We’re on the move with you, sending yo

14.4 MB

Best gun sounds Listen to audio for hard copy Can be set as ringtones. Set the alarm Any alarm The app is designed to be user friendly. The guns more

5.56 MB

Exclusive customer manager

18.71 MB

* add more languages translate from * Fixed some bugs * Increase translation speed

6.41 MB