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Vélo+ TAO 2.2.1

The Vélo+ app! With the Vélo+ app, borrowing and getting around Orléans Métropole has never been easier: In just a few clicks, create an account, choo

38.31 MB

This guide app is very good information regarding update, reset band and control bar screen, below is a brief description of the product. Smart Boat W

14.21 MB

1. Real Estate Calculator You can try to calculate the monthly real number according to your salary or salary. 2. Retirement allowance calculator You

17.83 MB

Have the stickers for your cell phone and share with your friends.

4.78 MB

"Notepad App" This is a small memo pad widget of "Hello Kitty". Please tap on the widget, and you can write memo on it. This application is a widget f

19.57 MB

This app contains a wide variety of neon style wallpapers with different themes to choose from such as neon Love signs wallpapers, neon car, neon Anim

12.41 MB

Key benefits for the promoter include: 1. Easy attendance tracking 2. Analyse calls for increasing efficiency 3. Invalid call breakup 4. Multiple lang

13.56 MB
Tasnim Logistics Operations

Tasnim Logistics is a free passenger logistics and material logistics application of Al Tasnim Group. This is a full featured app with Employee Role b

12.22 MB

This is the official App for The Redeemed Christian Church of God: Mercy Seat Chapel. Located at 17604 Washington Grove Lane, Gaithersburg Maryland US

16.76 MB
BuildingLink 3.6.6

Welcome to our updated resident app, which has been recently redesigned and rebuilt from the ground up! The resident app provides the most essential c

68.52 MB

Quotes Captions has a huge collection of quotes and attitude status, You can use it to update your whatsapp statuses or even use as Instagram captions

10.59 MB

Nós criamos um calendário com feriados & festivais na Brazil com tem o número da semana, widget e alarme, É um aplicativo gratuito. Brasileiros livre

9.3 MB

mobile commerce application. Automation of sales representatives

6.98 MB
PandwaRF 1.20.9

PandwaRF is a RF analysis tool with a sub-1 GHz wireless transceiver controlled by a smartphone or a PC. Its purpose is to capture, display & transmit

11.58 MB
中醫名著 2.0.3

中醫名著 (繁體) 包括,四大經典《黃帝內經》《難經》《傷寒雜病論》《溫病條辨》,四小經典《湯頭歌訣》《藥性歌括四百味》《瀕湖脈學》《醫學三字經》,外加《本草綱目》《金匱要略》《神農本草經》三本中醫名著。 《黃帝內經》分《靈樞》、《素問》兩部分,是中國最早的醫學典籍。《黃帝內經》在黃老道家理論上建立

10.9 MB
Air Matters 4.8.4

Realtime broadcasting air quality information for more than 50 countries. Former name "China Air Quality Index".• Provide data from more than 10,000 m

30.5 MB

Recitations of Khaled Al-Jalil without internet The application in your hands offers you recitations in the voice of Khaled Al Jalil without the Inter

54.1 MB

Wow Green Neon - Icon Pack is a theme that changes the whole style of your phone, fresh, stylish, cute and personality. It includes icon packs, widget

14.62 MB
Top Trade 08.74

Application developed to meet the market Trade Marketing, the automation of the team of prosecutors, focused on collecting price surveys fronts, reple

23.23 MB

Cicada Taxi driver app Allows you to manage your taxi profile, control your balance, request payments, view fleet news, participate in an affiliate pr

16.97 MB