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HomeTube 1.0.0

Looking for an app that will keep your children occupied for a few minutes so you can wash the dishes in peace? HomeTube to the rescue!HomeTube transf

1.61 MB
Tablet Talk

Happy Holidays from everyone at Tablet Talk!Tablet Talk is a tablet SMS texting app that lets you text from a tablet and even make voice calls, while

2.32 MB

48.64 MB
Pocket Time 1.4.8

Pocket Time is a vibrator watch which lets you know the time without looking at the clock. It can speak, vibrate and beep the time just like you wish.

767.42 KB

Docufy scanner app is a powerful document scanner app with over million installs. It’s your business partner to digitize all your important documents.

16.62 MB
拉片 1.11.14

24.29 MB


54.15 MB

"...This may sound strange but when I wake up and see that, it puts a smile on my face..."- Hearing this response about the morning birds from one of

3.66 MB
1secnote 4.7.2

★ A ultra-simple modern note taking app. ★ supports Dropbox, Evernote, OneNote, and Google Drive. - it's really quick! , write a note within 1 sec !-

2.5 MB

Get fit and healthy while you’re busy with your daily activities with ASUS ZenFit! This fitness app allows you to track your fitness activities on you

26.88 MB

Sometimes princesses grow weary of waiting to be rescued, so they fire up a chainsaw and rescue themselves! The trolls that have invaded the sweet and

16.18 MB
织图 3.2.5

(产品简介) 全球首款“穿越相册”社交应用 90后团队打造诚意创新作品! 苹果“app store 2013推荐新品” 百度,新华网,最美应用等媒体推荐应用 三星,魅族等手机品牌推荐应用织图,强大的相册社交应用。用好玩的拖动方式整理用户在手机中零散混乱的相册,用创新的编辑方式,使下一张图片

28.59 MB
Once VR 1.2.1

腦穿越推出全VR模式瀏覽器 - VR一下 —— 一款為VR虛擬現實量身打造的的網頁瀏覽器—— 一款在超科幻機艙內肆意沖浪VR世界的瀏覽器—— 一款可以同時看五個分頁,滿足多頻道體驗的瀏覽器—— 一款真正實現覆蓋網路上所有資源的VR瀏覽器 “VR一下” ,一個方便快捷的VR體驗入口,一種你沒想過的私密

60.53 MB
iFlat 1.38

20.64 MB

Checkout the official Windows 8 Launcher Theme, this features a HUGE set of metro style Windows 8 icons. There is around 400 ICONS, There is 18 HD W

9.11 MB
Peek 5.02

IMPORTANT NOTES: -This application was successfully tested on stock Android 4.4 and AOSP based 4.4 ROMs, on multiple Nexus devices (including tablets

315.57 KB
Dee 1.7.5

DeeBrowser (Dee Browser) helps us to enjoy browsing with blocking advertisement, Integrated GoogleTranslator, Private & Offline browsing modes✔ Lightn

16.77 MB

8.22 MB
MIUI电源 1.3.3

1.25 MB
爽哥英语 2.2.9

爽哥英语是一款融合颠覆式教学理念和尖端语音评测技术的英语学习应用,通过情景化学习模式练习英语听说和阅读,引入了班级社群学习概念,每天体验真人口语对练和结伴学习的乐趣,更有无限的奖励机制,激发你的英语学习欲望,让你轻轻松松爱上飚英语。 情景化学习模式一改中国传统的被动式英语教学模式,通过积极主动地学习

22.38 MB