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Notepad 1.2.2

Notepad gives you a quick and simple note editing experience. Create your notes, lists, reminders and categorize them by color and securely organize t

3.8 MB
Fi 2.7

Important Note: Only for use with Theme Chooser / Theme Engine. A custom rooted ROM with Theme Engine / Chooser is required to run this application. I

37.73 MB

可以离线使用的成语词典。 -- 功能特点: ★ 可以无条件的关闭广告。 ★ 共收录成语二万二千余条,其中正文条目五千余条,余为附录条目。 ★ 每条成语包括释义、出处、拼音、参考词、近义词、反义词等内容。 ★ 正文条目更包含内容非常丰富的典源及典源说明。 ★ 支持汉字、通配符号?、拼音首字

16.64 MB
最美锁屏 3.2.7

11.07 MB
³ 1.0.104

895.07 KB
搜搜图 1.0.6

搜搜图 - - 以图片的方式探索网络支持从相机/相册中选取图片,以图搜图,内含条码识别功能;支持Pixiv站点搜索 ;在内置浏览器中长按图片可以保存/搜索该图片,更加方便您搜索图片。

3.1 MB

Allows you to edit and delete records in any SQLite database on your phone. For root users, lists all installed apps which have local internal databas

207.17 KB
Root Browser

Root Browser is the ultimate file manager for rooted users. Explore all of Android's file systems and take control of your Android device.Check out RO

2.93 MB

This is a strongly stock inspired dark theme.If you like dark themes but you don't want to lose stock appeal, this merges the two ideas together. Th

40.15 MB

Ultimate KitKat 4.4 Experience Launcher Theme is a brand new multi-launcher theme designed for all Android launchers, inspired by forthcoming Android

36.29 MB

Easy Task Killer, Your intelligent Android assistant. Does your phone always need charging, even once a day? Does your phone always run slowly by a

1.06 MB

36.36 MB
微冷 1.1


14.77 KB

Awesomize Your Android Camera Take better photos with your smartphone. SmugMug’s Camera Awesome, with 20+ million downloads on iOS, “actually helps

34.66 MB
WhatsBubbles 3.1.1

WhatsBubbles brings Facebook like chat bubbles / heads to WhatsApp!Talk to your friends and family anywhere, anytime and in any app with WhatsBubbles!

2.87 MB
GMD Gesture Control 10.0.0.alpha

Control device with MULTITOUCH and MULTITASK gestures similar to iPad. Works in all applications. You can even hide status bar and enjoy full screen i

3.51 MB

Widget to show system information.Include:*Battery: level,temperature,battery consumption or battery voltage.*Free memory.*CPU: usage,frequency.*Free

855.44 KB

13.92 MB

3.37 MB
Kyklos 1.0

Kyklos: Greek word for circle.You can find a second pack from the Dashboard: Social Menu->Download Kykloss.What's included:★ 2.680 + HD icons (256x256

36.43 MB