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Bright Weather is the most comprehensive weather app available on Android. It makes the daily weather essentials easily available and a simple access

6.42 MB

Easy Tasks is an outliner app that will help you get organized in a very simple way and keep your tasks in front of you at all the times. Make a note

645.99 KB
豆瓣小组 3.3.11

这是一个独一无二的网络社区:每一天,都有来自全球 813 个城市的数百万用户汇聚在这里,共同讨论生活中的方方面面。这里拥有难以置信的活力,平均每 10 分钟就有一个新的小组被创建,每分钟就有数百篇话题被发表。无论你来自这个世界的哪一个角落,无论你将去向何方,都能在这里找到和你一样特别的人,并与他们互

3.76 MB
rCat 1.0

1.7 MB

5.14 MB
Lyrically 0.1

1.6 MB
欧朋H5体验版 0.81.1201041826

8.9 MB
校园司令 5.3.0

22.34 MB

2.65 MB
桌面日历 2.2.4


49.31 KB
Solo Photo 1.18.2

We are all tired of it: people swiping through your gallery when you show them one picture. You didn't tell them that it was okay to go through your g

4.13 MB
菊花文 1.0

1.44 MB
走音 1.3.1

10.7 MB
full!screen+ 1.8.1

Full screen for tablets! Automatically hide the systembar depending on currently active app. Use your tablet in fullscreen-mode without losing system

284.88 KB
Hover Browser

What is Hover Browser? Hover Browser is an attempt to free you from your single application sandbox. By allowing you to open multiple weblinks within

3.48 MB

★★★★★ Awesome Miniature Pro - Tilt Shift Brand New Tilt-Shift Maker! Hope you enjoy Awesome Miniature World. Experience attractive blur effect and p

4.41 MB

Free yourself from your studio with Painter Mobile for Android. Experience this incredible new art app on your Android device. Sketch and paint on the

16.08 MB

IMPORTANT: Minimal Clock is a widget (not an application), it will only appear in the widgets section of your phone. It will not appear in the applica

788.9 KB

The device frame generator allows you to quickly wrap your app screenshots in real device artwork. This provides better visual context for your app sc

33.25 MB

After the discovery of a series of four galaxies: Inferno Galaxy, Ice Galaxy, Shadow Galaxy and Galaxy Vortex...... waiting to be explored further noo

6.64 MB